About Us

“Le Ninfee” B&B was born from the desire to share with our guests the charm of the Eternal City, offeringan experience of refinement and genuine hospitality. Our main aim is to combine relax and elegance in afriendly and familiar atmosphere.

Art, history and internationalism are the prerogatives that have always characterized our city: this Is thecriteria that has guided us in our formation and, later, in the realization of our rooms.

Our interest in international culture motivated us in the creation of our rooms, which are inspired by thefamous impressionist artists Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh.

The openness to the international dimension has led the members of our family, one way or another, todeepen the study of European languages, a knowledge that we use at the service of our dear guests:

For English and German you can contact Lucrezia, for Spanish Ludovico and for French Eleonora. As forthe “digital language” of our rooms, your main contact will be Daniele.

Just as important for us are our roots, which in a city like Rome can only impose themselves in all theirsplendid majesty. The journey into the millennial culture of our city begins upon your arrival: two minuteswalk from our B&B is in fact the entrance of the new Metro C, a real museum-line, along which you canhave a taste of the infinite wonders that you will admire once you have arrived in the historic center.